Curaçao Demography

This map provides some demography data of Curaçao. Demographic changes are described and illustrated in order to draw a comparative image of the population of Curaçao.

My Hometown

Curaçao is one of the most beautiful islands in the southern Caribbean, just before the Venezuelan coast. This Map show some private property and tourist attractions.

Appalachian Trail

This is a special commemorative map showing the Appalachian Trail, using a classic map from [Erwin Raisz].

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Applications: QGIS, GitHUB
  • ©Erwin Raisz (Raisz_Landforms1957.tif)
  • Appalachian Trail Conservancy
  • Natural Earth (ne_10m_graticules_1.shp)
  • US Powerplants Map

    This map give information about alternatives energy (Hydro , Solar and Biomass ) consumend in the United States. The data consist of 6900 electrical generating power plants across the US and contain the total generating capacity of each plant.

    Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    Applications: QGIS, Leaflet, GitHUB
    Datasource: EIA's form 923

    US Tornadoes 1950-2017

    This Map is composed by counting the number of all tornadoes per county and categorized according to the "Fujita scale" (F0 - F5).

    Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    Applications: QGIS, CARTO, GitHUB
  • NOAA's National Weather Service.
  • US Wildfires 2013

    This Map shows different types of thematic symbol of all the wildfires in the US. First you see a choropleth map showing total acre burned per county. Second a graduated point symbol showing the individual wildfires size and thirt the date and place of the wildfire in 2013. .

    Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    Applications: QGIS, CARTO, GitHUB
  • Forest Service Research Data Archive.
  • Mortgages Map

    This webmap provides an overview of the number of issued mortgages in the period from 1993 up to 2018.

    Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    Applications: QGIS, CARTO, GitHUB
    Datasource: Stichting Kadaster en Openbare Registers Curaçao
    (Land Registry Office.)

    About me

    Hi, I'm Etienne Sambo. I studied land surveying and work for the Land Registry Office on the island. In November 2017, our organization switched to "Open Source Software". We now use QGIS, GeoServer and Leaflet.